<aside> 💡 Design Thinking is a human-centered problem-solving approach that prioritizes empathy, creativity, and iterative development. It's a methodology widely embraced by teams to address complex challenges and develop innovative solutions. Here are the key elements of Design Thinking:


Five Steps of Design Thinking:

  1. Empathizing: Understanding the problem deeply by empathizing with the users. This involves actively listening to their needs, pains, and perspectives.
  2. Defining: Defining the problem space by distilling the insights gained during the empathizing phase. This step helps teams create a clear problem statement.
  3. Generating Ideas: Brainstorming creative solutions to the defined problem. This phase encourages out-of-the-box thinking and collaboration among team members.
  4. Prototyping: Creating low-fidelity prototypes of potential solutions. Prototypes are used to visualize ideas and gather feedback early in the design process.
  5. Testing: Testing prototypes with users and stakeholders to gather feedback and refine the solutions. This iterative process helps ensure the final product meets user needs.

Design Thinking Resources:

  1. IDEO U: Offers online courses and resources on Design Thinking principles, methods, and case studies.
  2. Stanford d.school: Stanford University's d.school provides a wealth of Design Thinking resources, including the "Bootcamp Bootleg" toolkit.
  3. Nielsen Norman Group: Provides UX and usability resources, including articles and training related to Design Thinking.
  4. Interaction Design Foundation: Offers courses and articles on various aspects of Design Thinking and user-centered design.
  5. Design Thinking for Educators: A resource from IDEO specifically tailored to applying Design Thinking in educational contexts.
  6. The Design Sprint: A methodology developed by Google Ventures for quickly solving big problems and testing new ideas.

Learning Design Thinking by FROG Design